Monday, April 11, 2011


只知任性 坏事情 
原谅我当天许愿当中 真心聆听 
我以天为证 跟你带领”




只知任性 坏事情 
原谅我当天许愿当中 真心聆听 
我以天为证 跟你带领”

Wednesday, April 6, 2011




  “如果有一个人, 看到我不戴隐形眼镜,而是戴眼镜的样子。


如果有一个人看到了之后,还能够喜欢我; 如果开始下一段感情,我不会再问喜欢我什么,也不会问是不是认真对待。
我会问, 三个月后,还会争分夺秒的关心吗?

如果遇到了你,如果你做到了, 我会对你说, 你不离,我就不弃。”


                     我这是在感慨,还是在叹息,我也不懂,反正好久好久以前,我就选则了往前看。这一刻,我反而更想唱   “ 期待, 期待你发现我的爱,无所不在,我自然而然的灌溉...”


Tuesday, April 5, 2011



                   这段爆笑的故事是发生在一个风和“日”丽的夜晚,四个人驾着车来到了东京饭店吃晚餐。来到了饭店,我需要把能量盘收好,其他三个人就先下车了。 结果他们就把我反锁在车里向店里走去,我拼命敲车镜了,他们不只没听到,还大摇大摆地走了进去,还找了张桌子坐着点菜。我眼睁睁的看着他们的背影,看他们几时发现我“消失”了,我靠!他们竟然坐下来点菜了才发现我消失了,结果其中一个回头看着我,我在车里用微笑向他们招手 ^^ ..........!@#$%^&**&^%$#@ @=....

                     话说坐下来之后,我就喊了一句“我要吃榴莲”... 结果杰圣哥哥就说你的发型很像榴莲 ==  点了菜,三个男的浩浩荡荡去看榴莲去了,那卖榴莲的阿哥,engdao前engdao后,半哄半骗地,结果我们拿了两粒毛山王回饭店,而且是给了七十块!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      进到饭店坐下来, 上演了“人的本性”这一部电影,一开始其中一个就很不安的看着那两个榴莲,另外一个很不甘地看着榴莲,我就很无奈地看着榴莲,猪娃娃就很不关我的事地看着榴莲,然后开始了一场太极切磋,四两拨千斤地把责任推来推去~ 结论就是,三个只会吃,根本不会选榴莲看价钱,还看来看去,结果被“茅山派” 的槟城阿哥骗了@@      我以后再也不买榴莲了!应该找个会买榴莲的女朋友才行了~

                      一边吃饭,一边吃菜,一边配榴莲;两个与我非同州的他们, 简称为“非洲人” 看到我们榴莲配饭吃好像看到什么怪事那样,我靠!我长了二十年就是这样子吃榴莲饭,有什么奇怪的@=  吃了两碗饭加桌子上的菜已经够饱了,问题是要怎样把那两粒榴莲吞进肚子里!结果还劳烦了饭店的伙计帮我们开榴莲,为什么?因为我们三个平时都是老爸买,根本只会吃不会开@=   我发誓我这次回去要学会开榴莲==


                     结果三个吃到肚子都要爆了,榴莲还剩一大半,我都吃到要泄了,还剩那么多,就物色物色隔壁桌,结果就看到一个“熟人”,那就是我们的陈老师,就把多余的榴莲给了他们清理。 我已经不行了,吃到中phobia,虽说我是执行师,也没必要把问题揽上身的嘎~

                     现在还在涨着,看样子今天要热气通身,明天的考试完蛋了@@ 唉~ 整顿吃了我四十块,还要laosai,又要生病,我发誓今年不吃榴莲了 @=





              我只想说,哦,这位东主小姐,待你开张后的第12日,星期二 - 我约你出街,你ok ma?


None to be nothing~

Ding dong! Test is coming!!!!! Very sorry to say that@@

           This 2 days, I stayed in a so called heaven by Elvin but I prefer to describe it as lost world---> Elvin's Sungai Long House. The reasons we appeared to be there are due to hot climate of KL that hardly put us into sleep and study for test. Why I say so, no internet service block me from the reality and why he say so? Got air conditioner 24 hours at home.

           But guess, we actually watch movie in the air conditioner room for whole day instead of study for maths ==  Just now, cut my hair again but this time de hairstyle is getting more terrible @@  Apollo's product == What to say? his taste is weird....

            Terribly to say, the moment we bac to Genting-klang, we saw a naked uncle walking at the bus-stop. Let me tell you what i saw: He has a very skinny shape of body, with skin tone of chocolate colour that look like bright shellec colour. I cant imagine how long he din bath ald; but at least he take severe piece of newspaper to cover his important part and also cover him from getting trouble. That time I only wanna say o0o

             Test tomorro, jin chang liao TT

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Congratulation, I am officially NLP Coach today!

Congratulation to Mr Lim Khang Chun, you has demonstrated a high degree of competence and skill and hereby   confer upon the holder of the Right and Title of

Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming            
on 25th of February 2011;

Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy TM                         
on 27th of February 2011;

Certified LAB Profile for Coaching                                              
on 27th of March 2011;
and Certified NLP Coach                                                                    
on 3rd of April 2011.

approved by The American Board of NLP, USA.

              Today, I am glad and with full of pride here to announce myself as a NLP Coach. This NLP tools inside me are very powerful skills and techniques that able to bring us to a higher achievement of ourselves and creating our own futures. This 14 days training for NLP are very enjoyable experiences to me and I believe to all the practitioners as well because it opens a totally brand new of vision for us to see this world.

              To me, this is not only a title or a professional ; it is also a pride and an honour to me. NLP has a very great meaning to me, why I say like that? NLP has bring a sharp turnover of my life and playing a critical role in bringing my life from the downturn towards success. Without NLP, the I today would not be here. 

              Many people keep asking me this question: "You are studying engineering course, why will you take NLP and hypnosis which are totally different from your field? Why don't you take psychology?" And I always answer them that there is a very long story behind this. I am not going to tell my story here, but I can promise it will give a new intuition to everyone of you here. 

              Firstly, I would like to say thank you to a book "The Secret Of Shadow", although I forget who is the author, but this book and this author had given me my life back. I learn how being good to myself; I learn how to hug into my pain and trauma; and I learn to be switching the pain into the gift that awarded by God. To the author that I respected, today I find out my gift-NLP and I claim to use my professional and this gift to help people, to help those teenagers that having family problems and difficulty in communicating with others; to help those that totally lost and don't know what the reason they being in this world; to help those that keep tracking and repeating the same nightmares every night. This feeling is very terrible until cannot described by words. Today, you are no more alone; because I had gone through the same things as you all have do and I fully understand your fear but now I have walked out from this nightmare and get the life that I want. And today you can do that, come to me and I will show you the way out. 

              Well, I will use this knowledge and power to help me to get my future because I believe I can. For me, NLP is already a religion for me and I trust the universe will answer my summon and give me what I want. Bingo, I have achieved my 19th 's wishes to become a certified NLP Practitioner XP

              Lastly, I am here again to congratulate myself as a Certified NLP Coach!